Missing SmilingJack has joined the chronicle!

5-token Carl David has joined the chronicle!

Bob ross d&d

SoS players, downtimes and etc.

by Jesse Jahn

September 3rd, 2013

To all the players in SoS,

If you have or are waiting for us to respond to scenes, purchase approvals, XP awards (EOGs, downtimes, etc.) and/or Background-Influence Actions, please alert us (bump) so that we can get this done and back on track. We appologize for our tardiness and if we have not been there for you as staff.

Also, if you have any concerns, desires, interesting ideas that you wish to voice in private, please do not hesitate to let us know. We want you to have a good time and if you are coming and not having a good time, then we need to fix that.


Bob ross d&d

Status of SoS Application to OWBN

by Jesse Jahn

August 26th, 2013

Players of Seasons of Strange, the Adminsions Coordinator, Luke, has sent our application on to the rest of the coordinators to review. Hopefully, this will not take too long and we will be probationary by the time of the Non-Clave event this weekend, but please don't count on it.

Thank you for your patience.


Bunny_doctor Kat F has left the chronicle.

8074_407445982654813_639452187_n Patrick has joined the chronicle!

Bob ross d&d

Edict from the Prince

by Jesse Jahn

August 10th, 2013

Kindred of the Domain of New Rochelle

The time to gather is upon us again. Tomorrow evening we will be meeting at the home of one of the newest members of our domain, Marcus Augrum. Marcus, of Clan Toreador has graciously offered to host our meeting, and I want everyone to be on their best behavior while in his home. 

Also there will be a Primogen meeting to redetermine feeding grounds. As I look at the council I have around me now, and compare it to the council that first made these decisions, I can't help but think that a change is in order. Please talk to your Primogen as soon as possible to offer your input, as the grounds will be decided tomorrow night. 

I given serious over the past few weeks to events that have transpired over the past month, culminating in a mortal death almost right before our eyes on the college grounds of New Rochelle College. Colleges and and learning institutions are part of our cities life blood. Our schools and draw new people in every year, and then the work we do within the city will keep them here. To that end, from this point on, the colleges and schools are under my personal protection. There will be no feeding, in any part of any school or college. Breech of this edict will result in death.

Lastly, I wish to give out a bit of recognition. Very few new comers to a domain make a strong or lasting impact on their first night, however one individual has done so. From this point on I wish Kyle Peters to be known as *Respected within our sect for his quick wit, his eagerness to help, and his initiative and seeing issues quickly and asking to help without being prompted to do so. 

I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow night.

Prince Paul Blake.


Bob ross d&d

Musical Instruments

by Jesse Jahn

August 2nd, 2013

For those that had or were investigating the Musical Instruments and still wish to be in on this, please let us know. There will be a Downtime scene starting up on Gmail.


Bob ross d&d

Reminder and Notification

by Jesse Jahn

August 2nd, 2013


Please get your Influence Actions / Background Actions posted into your character Journals by this coming Monday.

This is also the case for all purchases for approval.



We will not be printing character sheets for this game.

The House Rules have been updated with additions. If you have not looked at them please go to the Chronicle page on Puppet Prince and click on the link.


Fb_img_1491754722378 Brittani-Pearl has left the chronicle.