

by Dave N

April 24th, 2016

Is this the correct list of PCs which were originally based in Stamford:

Ed's Pooka

Larry's Sluagh

Michael's Eshu

Erika's Selkie

Am I missing any?




by Dave N

April 23rd, 2016

I have votes for all Freeholds which were represented at game. If your character was not at game, and you are not part of a freehold, please contact me privately. The only one I can think of off the top of my head is Keith, but I may be forgetting someone...



Teaser: Game 4/23/2016: Beltaine

by Dave N

April 21st, 2016

This game will be set IC on Beltaine (May 2nd).  OOC, Saturday from 2:30 - 6:00-ish at Wickham Park on the Manchester/East Hartford Line.

  For those who have not been to the Park before, there's a restaurant named Marco Polo across the street.  You can park along that side street and walk in for free, or you can go in the main entrance and pay per car.  Go to the English Garden/Great Lawn area and look for gamers.  As we're not playing at the restaurant, we can be a little more flexible on end time.

  Duchess Autumn ni Fiona has invited all Kithain of the Duchy of Mirrors to her Freehold in the Near Dreaming for a day of celebration in honor of the Beltaine Holiday.  Unlike most Freeholds, which are situated between the Autumn World and the Dreaming, acting as a sort of Gateway, Duchess Autumn's Castle exists entirely in the Dream-lands: a place of rainbows, green lawns, and sun-dappled woods filled with fluffy, friendly rabbits and singing birds which makes the more unseelie among the Kithain physically ill to the point of nausea.  

  Beltaine is one of the two main festivals of the Changeling calendar, a spring fertility festival celebrated at night to honour life and love. It once marked the formal beginning of the Seelie Court rule of half the year, when the Unseelie surrendered its power to their opposites. As such, Beltaine traditionally represents a time of harmony and union, hosting an informal but by no means less respected treaty of peace. During this festival new romances blossom, often bypassing class and kith. Roaring bonfires are lit, there is dancing and merrymaking, passions run uninhibited, and many a Childling is conceived during this holiday. Beltaine is also extremely popular for Fae marriages.

 In addition to the merry activities of a normal Beltaine - Duchess Autumn is said to be quite a fan of the Maiden Chase, for instance - there are several more serious matters afoot.  Rumors reach the Duchy of the murder of Queen Mary Elizabeth ni Dougal, Monarch of the Kingdom of Grass (The American Midwest), at the hands of wolf-changer Prodigals.  The Parliament of Dreams, rudderless since the death of High King David over fifteen years ago, is now set to determine a new Monarch of The Kingdom of Grass by Royal Lottery... and the candidates are an interesting bunch, to say the least.  As a result, the Fae of the Duchy must determine their representatives, and weight their options among the three candidates... more about that at game!  Welcome to National Plot!






1999: War in Concordia, and the shards of the Duchy of Mirrors

by Dave N

March 29th, 2016

So, at the character creations session, we announced that we would be running a 1-shot tabletop for Characters who would have been around in 1999 (Grumps who might have been childlings then, PCs with Merits like Faerie Eternity, the winner of one of the raffles prizes).

We'd like to schedule that tabletop before next game.  Please post here or email us privately if you believe your character should be present at such a session.



Chimerical Companions

by Dave N

March 27th, 2016

Many people are aware of this because they dealt with this at game, but for those who could not attend: around 4:00pm on Easter Sunday, all Chimerical Companions sneak off and become unavailable for an hour or so.

Most of them return.

Additionally, there is a large infux of chimerical creatures of all sorts in the Duchy, and that will continue to be the case until further notice.



Temporary Banality

by Dave N

March 27th, 2016

During Game #1, not a lot of people were given Temporary Banality.  During game #2, this changed.

Please record your Temporary Banality in the notes section of your Character sheet.

A couple of people asked about removing Temporary Banality.  It's rather difficult if you don't have access to a Freehold.

Freehold's procide 1 Glamour per level of the Background per week.  Excess Glamour becomes Dross.

This Glamour can also be used to remove Temporary Banality - but you don't gain the glamour or dross for that week.

Some people took aggravated damage at game.  This damage takes 3 days of bed rest and a Willpower to heal, for each level.  If you happen to be a high school student who can't afford that, or someone who works 9-5 during the week, you may need to look to other PCs for magical healing, or sleep by the balefire of a freehold.  One night sleeping in a Freehold allows you to use one of those Glamour produced per week to heal a level of damage.

If you've got a group freehold, its best to talk these things over.  If you hold one solo, just declare any of these alternative uses in your hournal.



Teaser: Game 3/26/2016: The Nightmare Before Easter

by Dave N

March 25th, 2016

  Sorry this is a little late in the month, but... here we go!  This game will be set IC on Easter Sunday.  OOC, Saturday (tomorrow) from 2:30 - 6:00 in the Cosmic Omelette Art Gallery.

  All across the Duchy of Mirrors, children wake up to open their Easter baskets with glee, anticipated a day of chocolate and sugar highs, only to discover that their baskets are filled with rotten fish eggs, spoiled chickens eggs painted in muddy shades of green and brown (and possibly stained with bodily fluids), horribly flavored jelly beans (earwax, poo, onions, broccoli, chopped liver, roadkill, black licorice, etc).  In the place of plastic green grass, there is dirty hair (sometimes with bits of scalp still attached), and instead of small toys, rusty razor blades, boards with nails sticking out, used condoms, broken beer bottles, and dirty hypodermic needles.

 In muddy lawns across the Duchy, strange tracks can be found - something like those left by a rabbit, but unusually large, with some kind of long, sharp toenails which dug deep into the ground.

  And so, as the Fae of the Duchy of Mirrors gather at Graymere Glen, they are reminded that, so far as the Dreaming is concerned, it is Winter for one more month...



High School Sound Off

by Sarah

March 25th, 2016

If your PC goes to high school in the vacinity of Cornwall, CT (the town closest to Greymere Glen and Dudleytown) please comment below with your autumn world name and changeling name if it's different,  your age/grade, and if you're involved in any extra-curricular activities. 


Missing Jen has joined the chronicle!



by Dave N

March 14th, 2016

Dogs of War is considering running a campout either the third or fourth weekend in July.  They've raised the possibility of us running some changeling / cross genre plot.

Would people prefer a mixed genre campout that month, or would you prefer DOW run 3rd weekend?