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The Nine Knightly Orders

by Dave N

January 9th, 2016

The Nine Knightly Orders


Knights errant (not in a fealty chain) are often of one of these orders.  There are also wandering Knights of no order, who travel from land to land and often partake in tournaments at the holidays of the Kithain, but they have little in the way of allies, resources, or support to fall back on, and thus often have a difficult time gaining glamour and resisting banality.

Each of these Orders requires an Oath to join - though generally not an Oath of Fealty.  An Oath of the Long Road or an Oath of Protection are the most common.


The Order of Eiliethyia (mixed)

Created by Queen Mab to seek out newly Chrysalised Changelings, this loose-knit order contains both Commoners and Nobles, though its head is always a Commoner.  Generally well regarded by the nobility and often supported by the Crystal Circle, the Order is often held up as an example of Commoner/Noble cooperation. (Player's Guide, pg 164)


The Guardians of the Gates (Balor)

Knighthood dedicated to protecting gateways and Trods; many a Seelie owes his life to the Guardians, and for this, if nothing else, House Balor is accorded respect.  (Book of Houses 2, pg 123)


The Knights of the Cold Watch (Unseelie)

Unseelie Sidhe who have gathered into a self appointed group of sentinels who scour the world for evidence of the dark things that invaded the borderlands. (Shadow Court, pg 31)


The Knights of Sathar (Fiona)

Founded by a Satyr knighted by Queen Mab during the Accordance War; contains both commoners and Sidhe.  The Knights meet on October 4th to discuss candidates; the vote must be unanimous. (Book of Houses, pg 67)


The Knights of the Silver Key (Eiluned)

A Chivalrous and Scholarly Order tracing back to before the shattering, one must have near encyclopedic knowledge to gain admittance.  (Book of Houses, pg 46)


The Knights of the Silver Web (Eiluned)

Loosely affiliated, mostly Eiluned group which grew out of the Silver Key in the mid-80’s; technologically minded. (Book of Houses, g 46)


The Knights of the Way (Troll)

Trolls who join this society vow to patrol Concordia, rescuing travelers and making all ways safe.  Not all are actually knights. (pg 43)


The Order of Shallot

A romantic order which seeks true love.  Often ridiculed.  (Nobles, pg 66)


The Red Branch Knights

An ancient order of Knights sworn directly to the High King, consisting of both Nobles and Commoners.  Must aid those in need, fight honorably and spare those who surrender.  No knight of this order is ever known to have broken his word.  (Nobles, pg 45)



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