

by Dave N

February 7th, 2018

Hey everyone! We've been asked to run during the day at the Northeast Event again, so tell us what you want by filling out this poll!




Game Saturday 1/27: Cycles

by Dave N

January 24th, 2018

Sorry for the late reminder - this has been a busy week!  Game will be this Saturday, 1/27, at the Cosmic Omelette at the normal time of 2:30.  

We know that some people have conversions to do, and we're going to try to be there as early as we can to help with that.  Once game starts, Sarah will be doing conversions with people until that's done, while I ST for the people who have sheets completed.  Once conversions are done, Sarah will join in STing.

We're going to ask that no one with any of the new seasonal arts - Autumn, Spring or Summer - use them until we give you the all clear during game.  If you have winter now, and used to have Kryos, please don't use any of the levels which didn't already exist until we give the all clear.  :)

We've got lots of new plot for you guys, and there's a bunch of new PCs starting up, so we're really excited to see where this new direction takes us!



Propped PDF

by Dave N

January 12th, 2018

Can be found here.

1 comment

Missing Daniel Hansen has joined the chronicle!

20171207_184845 Air'Wrecka has joined the chronicle!

Kitty Perun Pomsta has left the chronicle.

Kitty Perun Pomsta has joined the chronicle!

Missing Steve337 has joined the chronicle!


Lots of Documents and Rules Changes

by Dave N

December 24th, 2017

...are posted in the links above.  Everything that dealt with the old rules is down, and everything that's up deals with the new rules.  I still need to go through and convert merits and flaws from C20, and write up a (much simplified) set of crafting rules, but most other things should be here.


Measawooper Gin Easton has joined the chronicle!