
Game 2/23: Cornered Animals

by Dave N

February 20th, 2019

Sorry for the late post - the long weekend fooled me into feeling like yesterday was Sunday.

We will be at the Masonic Lodge in Southington, at the same time as usual.

Last month, a coordinated assault by the fae of the Duchy, and a few werewolf allies, largely eliminated the Heralds of the Green Court who had quietely been building a power base at the Key Community Care clinic.

Unfortunately, Doctor Chilton, the Ghast leader of the group of Heralds, escaped, after using the dark powers of his Fomorian lords to puppet a corpse and send it into battle against our heroes... 

We have a lot going on!  Lots of different people have contacted us about things they'd like to do, and we're going to try to run as much of it as possible!



House Rules Updated

by Dave N

February 17th, 2019

...with clarifications for Runic Imprint and Holly Strike


249895_224977104195503_100000496450269_917374_7325985_n Marc Lake has joined the chronicle!


Game 1/26: Ashes

by Dave N

January 22nd, 2019

Our January game will be on our regularly scheduled day and time, at the Masonic Lodge in Southington, this Saturday January 26th.  We hope to see everyone there!

The Balefires of every Freehold in Connecticut have been dark since Yule, and the Duchy awaits the torch from the Well of Fire at Tara Nar to relight them.  In the meantime, a raging blizzard has swept across much of southern Connecticut, including the areas around Coldfort and Truth, as well as Gilette Castle, where it got so cold the Connecticut River froze.  When the storm lifts, the Devil's Hopyard Freehold is gone.

Freeholds Produce no Glamour, Dross, or Healing this month.

That said, no other Freehold benefits are affecting.  We look forward to seeing you all!  

1 comment


Playtesting Merits

by Dave N

December 30th, 2018

So I'm officially in the process of writing the Merits and Flaws section of our updated C20 packet.  You all can help me by playtesting and giving feedback!  My document in progress is here, and you can consider everything that is in that document live for play in Graymere Glen as written.

Check back regularly if I haven't gotten to what you're waiting for yet.  I'm doing C20 itself first, and then will be going through things from earlier books and checking to see if they need modification to fit the current environment, or what have you.

PS I'm also converting Dauntaun


Capricorn owl Teresa Jester has joined the chronicle!


Reminder: CC staff

by Dave N

December 27th, 2018

From our House rules: “All players must, when interacting (online) or interacting with any Coordinator’s office in OWbN must log the conversation in their PC’s PuppetPrince Journal or courtesy copy (CC) Staff on the email exchange.” This is not optional. Most people have been following this rule with no problems, but it was time to put out a reminder.


110412-182856 DeathMel has joined the chronicle!

Magussmall Daniel has left the chronicle.

Missing Melly Mel has joined the chronicle!