
Positive Influence Example

by aleksander alves

September 21st, 2024

The Following Article is an example of Influence within the Domain of Hartford. It will stand as an example of various ways a Kindred can creat both positive change and utilize these changes within the state for their own purposes. 


As the state of these are being displayed openly, they are considered a part of the Influence Actions and have not been covered up for visibility purposes. Please direct any questions to staff for any clarifications or further examples. 


Influence Actions for the Domain 


Missing Massimo has joined the chronicle!


Expanded Influence Update

by aleksander alves

August 25th, 2024

Hello, everyone. 

We are going to be putting up the Expanded Influence Categories into the House rules section of the page. This is going to be considered a work in progress for now, as it only displays the negative aspects and doesn't reflect how beneficial affects will be implemented. 

We will be posting something to help clarify this, so keep watching for now 

Once again, this is working alongside the old VTM latp specializations and uses the same categories, but they will still be utilized under the Underworld and Elite sub types as stated in our version of the MET book .  

Expanded Influence Doc (Work in Progress)

Any questions, please inform staff and we will clarify on anything you may need to ask.


Missing Everett Harbaugh has joined the chronicle!

D4f5996f9cc822d75fc40caa4435eee8 Dennisia "Londyn" Lopez has joined the chronicle!


For Influence Users Using Monitor Actions

by Jay Hadinoto

September 16th, 2023

The Monitors have been updated.



For Influence Users using Monitor Actions

by Jay Hadinoto

July 15th, 2023

Influence Monitors have been updated.


Missing Nicholas Ludwig has joined the chronicle!


DTA Deadline 1 is Tonight!

by Sam C

June 25th, 2023

Downtime Actions Due

Just a reminder that downtime actions are due tonight for maximum XP.


Also, if you were not able to attend the last game you can still earn XP from the timely submission of your DTAs. You can also earn by writing a Journal telling us what your character has been up to during the month.



For Influence Users using Monitor Actions

by Jay Hadinoto

June 17th, 2023

Your Monitors have been updated.