
Radio Talk Show - 12.21.09 - 8 pm est broadcast

by Jeremy

December 21st, 2009

WTIC News Talk Radio - 1080 AM

"*random obnoxious music transistions into voice* Good Evening friends and listeners. Welcome to tonights, Monday the 21st of December, edition of News Talk Radio - The Buzz. This is 1080 am on your dial, and I am your host, John Henry Wilkes. We have in store for you a little Question and Answer session this evening. Joining us in the studio will be Jodi Setner, CEO of Mosiac Trust. Her company has found itself spending a lot of time here in the rising star, due to interests in guiding the little mom and pop shop of Warren and Mercer. By way of conference, we have managed to secure some time of Ms. Genesis Inderhees, the young and motivated I of LUMIX. She also has seen her company find footing in our state, expressing an interest to bring Molly and Westwick under thier umbrella. As always, here with me in the studio, my compatriot in vocal arms, expert, not jack, of all trades, Nicholas Bishop. A moment for our sponsors, while we situate Mrs. Setner. *cut to commerical spots for 'the truth' campaign, chapstick for skiiers, and american red cross drives.*

JHW - "And we are back folks. Jodi, I would like to say welcome, and thank you for joining us, it is a pleasure."
Nic - "An absolute pleasure Mrs. Setner."
Jodi - "Thank you both gentlemen, my thanks to you also, for letting me have this opportunity."
JHW - "Genesis, a warm greeting to you, we are thrilled to have you here with us."
Nic - "Thrilled Ms. Inderhees, thank you."
Genesis - *very slight german accent* "Johnathan, Nicholas, you are welcome."

JHW - "So that we may utilize all the time available to us with Genesis, I'll be directing the questions at her first, any qualms with that ladies? None? Great, let us get started. I believe the one I have been asked the most, read the most, is, 'Is it real?' 'Has this little research firm really lept that far ahead of the rest of the long standing, long historied, hard working, medical community?' Ms. Inderhees?"
Genesis - "Do you honestly believe, Mr. Wilkes-Booth, an entity of our caliber would invest the time and resources we have, with plans to continue, into something that is a farce?"
JHW - "I am simply asking the question on the tongues of many..."
Genesit - "And further, are we so little in your mind, that we would chase after a pipe dream, like some immigrant?"
Nic - *small cough* "And Jodi, what response do you have to offer?"
Jodi - *smile in the voice* "At Mosiac Trust, we have faith and patience. The research logs of the labratory have been extensive and meticulous, those we have been allowed to review, and as such, we wait with bated breath a formula release from Warren and Mercer after all the precedings they must go through at a time like this."

JHW - "Wonderful, much appreciated ladies. Now, there have been many a little tidbit available across various media these past few weeks, indicative of the plans that may be shaping for your respective corporations. When is it you expect to have active operations here in Hartford? We are all very insterested to see the economic upswing begin soon. Genesis?"
Genesis - *slightly distracted answer* "Warten. March the 1st LUMIX will open the doors of it's new American satelite office."
*few second pause*
Nic - "A concise and to the point answer, thank you. Jodi?"
Jodi - "Thank you Nicholas. We have had the luck of some space being available through local offices of partner companies, occupying a floor here, a suite there, during the transistion. Our construction schedule is not as agressive, and as such, the upcoming New England corporate headquarters will not be available for staff until April 30th of next year."
Genesis - "Aggressive?"
Jodi - "Well yes, from a purely business standpoint, the schedule LUMIX has put on paper, and amazingly looks to be on schedule for, is aggressive Ms. Inderhees"
Genesis - "So now I have seen slights to my pride in your words, instead of keeping the interest of my employer in the heart?"
Jodi - "Well, no Genesis, that is not what I am trying to express at all, I apologize that you feel that way."
JHW - "Spectacular, it seems the holidays are bringing good tidings of the year to come, and..."
Genesis - *slight edge to the voice* "So, it is that I am mistaken in my thoughts and feelings?"
JHW - "Ladies, if you please, I have a handful more questions we can proceed with."
Jodi - "John, excuse me a moment, I apologize. I think what we are seeing here is the tension of two sides to a coin, coming to conflict over large scale interests in the future of saving lifes. Genesis, truly, I am glad you have joined us today, but there is no justifiable reasoning behind this turn of behavoir you are displaying. If you would be willing, I will right now, personally, extend the white flag. LUMIX and Mosiac Trust can sit down and discuss sharing the control of Warren and Mercer. I feel that..."
Genesis - "Nein, ich möchte sehen Sie vergewaltigt von einem Pferd, das Sie Bier Mädchen. Ich möchte zu den kleinen Kobolde tanzen mit Lust und Freude auf den Klang Ihrer Schreie Hure zu sehen. Fuck you. Die bei einem Brand." (translate.google.com - german)
*sound of handset being slammed into it's cradle.*

Jodi - "Oh, that *beep*. I'd like to *beep* her with a *beep*ing baseball bat. I have never, *beep*ing never, been so *beep* on. *beep*beep*beep*beep*...
JHW - *hurried sound to voice* "Go to commercial..."

*Ads for local TV Station shows air, all of them belonging to the parent broadcasting company of this station.*

JHW - "Welcome back to The Buzz...

*The show continues from there, no further mention of the guests, and discussions focus on health care changes, and policy of Mr. President...*



Game 12/11/2009

by Kristina E Donihee

December 10th, 2009

It has been a month, so a friendly reminder...


Game will be tommrrow night December 11, 2009 at the Southington site. We will be starting game at 7:30. Check in will begin at 6:30. We have some important opening announcements, so please try to be there on time.

Welcome to the last game of 2009.




Available Details...

by Jeremy

December 9th, 2009

This can all be found spread across radio broadcasts, evening news stories, news paper articles, gossip and rumors, as well as from retainers, contacts, allies, etc. It began in very late NOV and carried over into very early DEC.

1. With the recent allegations, rumors, drama, and all around bad mojo surronding this critic has decided to investigate the truth, for you, the loyal following, the 'in the know' public. I stayed in the Aurora hotel. I ate in the Aurora hotel. The staff walks around with their noses in the air, a chip on the shoulder, or obnoxious flowing from the lips. The kitchen produces a quality of food so low, I'd rather eat Popeye's Chicken, five times a day. I would warn you off, warn you all off, post a man screaming the end times, but paint his wooden sign with words of truth about this business. Add to this fact the horde of rapid paparazzi. No thank you. I have seen Vivian Davenport call this place home. I say, the Aurora Hotel is the home of VD. Spread the word my masses, share the wealth, avoid the place.

2. Recent motions put forth from CT goverment have sparked an outcry. Though they have no ground to be put forth, we have seen some of the Governer's cabinet push very hard to have them see the light of day. It is being said that investigations should start on the tribal lands that house two of the states largest economic entities. Employing 10's of thousands locally, the wigs wish to see the area reclassified as protected wetlands, taking away the soverign lands of Native American people, and many, many jobs. We'll have to see where this goes, if it even has the clout to limp beyond state borders to the Fed. There are concerns of criminal retaliation in these recent developments. Watch out Mel Gibson, you might have your hatchet stolen.

3. In light of the rampant decay of society locally, City and State officials have conveened many a late night meeting. The talks? Blue Laws folks. That's right. I've even heard it whispered, that local Church heirachy's should be given legitimate political power, appointing priests and the like to posistions of government authority. With the talks of these changes, the police are seeing a nice padding to the walet, and have opened up ranks, looking for new bodies to fill the force. To start this downhill tumble off? Harsher penalties for the breach of current laws relating to sex, drugs, and violence, and triple the harshness on Sundays! There is a silver lining here, I just need help finding it. Please write to omgtheydidwhat@thecourant.com with your thoughts and opinions.

4. (Police Artists Sketch of Vivian Davenport) Many a journalistic folk have been seen frequenting the Aurora Hotel, Casino's in southern CT, as well as Trinity college. All looking for a word from Vivian Davenport. Local and State Law Enforcement have organized and implemented a manhunt, or woman hunt in this case, for Ms. VD. This woman has been found out to be the mastermind behind all the cities woes. The nefarious ring leader of a terrible Sex and Drug cult, she has spidered out filaments of corruption and degredation to locales and organizations and across our state. If you have any information at all, please call 800.itip.off. Rewards of varying degrees have been offered for valid information that assists in the chase. Use caution, contact authorities, do not attempt a citizen's arrest, as she is dangerous, and her large, meat wall of male body gaurd contigincies are considered armed.

5. Rubber necking boat captains, boating accidents, and closed ports cause traffic jam at sea? Workers, crew, and many an official are outraged. The red tape has been laid thick ladies and gentlemen. Ships bearing any association or moving cargo for, to 'West Bengal' are being anchored out of port. Many being combed over with something you'd use for lice. This delay would give an air traffic controller a headache. Many just sit for days, a few weeks, waiting to be looked at or allowed in. Some of the crew has to undergo hours of 'discussions' before being allowed ashore. When will this end?

6. Why Vivian Davenport has lived the life she has, and it's now coming to a head. Her thesis for a BA in Psychology was titled 'Psychological Influence on the Shortcomings of Women Through Eurpoean History.' Graduating bottom of her class from local Trinity, and reveiwing this, writing, of hers, we can see how she allowed herself to make poor decision, followed by bad decisions, followed by terrible decisions. In a fashion styled after day traders, her rash, aggressive behavior saw riches soar, but that old adage, the bigger they are...
University records have been handed over to police in lieu of the manhunt, and contacts are being made to Alumni of her class in attempts to compile a more detailed profile. University officials have refused to comment, cooperating with authorities only behind closed doors. Students on campus have formed support groups, some of them broken up after indulging in the sex and drug orgies Madam V. was, is, known for.

(OOC - thank you all for your attention, please contact staff by any means if you need.)



NEWS ARTICLE / the Courant

by Jeremy

November 25th, 2009

The Pilgrims Again, Welcomed with Holiday Cheer.

by Mellissa Hancock-Chase - AP
Hartford Courant
Wednesday the 25th, 2009

***page 2, economic/finicial news column***

  In this down trodden economy, we are brought good tidings this Thanksgiving. It has been confirmed, late last evening, that european conglomerate LUMIX will be calling Hartford, CT home to new satellite offices. With the breaking news a litle over a week ago from Warren & Mercer, sponsored by Mosiac Trust, our new hope from across the pond has announced their intent to bring W.M. into their fold, under their wing. It looks as though our little Mom and Pop medical shop stands to make a hefty profit with these two interested parties. The outcome for venture capitalist backing they had during research looks overcast, as the aquisition by either larger entity stands to skew any IPO that would have been in the works. Add to this recent leaks of a classic political smear and slander campaign from BioPure and Why Not Nuclear, and it looks to this writer, like Westick Mercer, and Molly Warren have been crowned king and queen of this high school drama dance.
 Jobs will abound my fellow citizens. W.M. will need to expand, hiring on any number of support firms. M.T. will bring everything from construction of new offices, to the filling of those with new bodies and roles. L-X will bring the same, along with the EU mentality of putting employee's at number 1 on the list, right alongside customers. An economic turn takes only a small spark to start a fire, and I believe this one will be the one that catches, and heats our fair city up.
 The American Red Cross has been heard voicing mixed feelings, as L-X has the pride of calling many scientific break throughs their intellectual property, having dozens of research firms under their umbrella across northern and central europe. Here, where some say moral high ground is a foreign language, advances in synthetic plasma, stem cell research, cloning, and a host of other topics for protesters occur with stagering leaps and bounds.
 New Englands rising star has really started to shine the last few years. Situated perfectly between Boston and New York, it is with pride that I say we are well placed as a hub of activity for major  national, and yes, international goings on. Others have seen the light we shed, and have moved to join us in basking in it. For you young and restless, or young and restless at heart, this change in pace, and population spike, is going to shake the rafters for the nightlife. Our economic stimulus is here, and it's here to party.
 I wish safe holidays to all our readers, and this year, some of my thanks offered will be as a native american to our new pilgrims.

1 comment


Possibile Game friday

by witch hammer

November 24th, 2009

Hey guys you need to let us know if atleast 15 people want game friday for some rp and possibile light story stuff, otherwise no game friday.  So comment below and let us know if you want it or not.






by Jeremy

November 16th, 2009

Monday, November the 16th, 2009.
Convention Center, Hartford  CT.
7.00 PM EST.

Society progresses, Humanity triumphs!

***Aired on network television, and printed in following days papers***
***Anyone with contacts, allies, information network, influence, etc. would easily learn of this***
***Most names/titles/companies are flashed onto the bottom of the screen as speaker steps up***

1. Announcement.
---> A small stage has been erected, banners for likely or possible sponsors and affliates ripple slightly on it's front, Mosaic Trust - "Your trust, our integrity, America's progress" American Red Cross - "Together, we can save a life" "Give life, give blood." Warren & Mercer - "Night or day, we find a way"
---> Black cloth curtains have been drapped as a back drop, hiding the guts full of wiring and contstruction. A central podium, set with half a dozen microphones sits in the fore, flanked by tables and chairs set slightly back. Water pitchers and half full cups, leather portfolio's, notebook, writing utensils litter the surface of the tables.

a... intro - Merry Fiddle, CtCC, Director of Events. Convention center PR, quites the crowd, welcomes all, introduces over to :

b... Jodi Setner, CEO, Mosaic Trust. (looking more at the crowd and camera's than speech notes, with a constant smile) "Good Evening Ladies and Gentlemen. To all our guests here at the convention center, welcome. To our veiwers, thank you for being here for this wonderful news. My name is Jodi Setner, and I am standing here with great pleasure. We at Mosiac Trust have decided to guide Warren and Mercer through some turbulent times, but still very, very exciting. We look to the future with bright eyes and light hearts. The announcements tonight mean great things for technologies evolution for humanity, the world over. On behalf of the officers of Mosiac Trust, the board, and it's trustee's, please join me in extending a warm greeting to Westwick Mercer and Molly Warren!" (she turns to a pair behind and to her left, her smile widening, and begins light applause)

c... Westwick Mercer, President, W&M. Molly Warren, Vice President, W&M. (Two plain, down to earth people rise and approach the podium, broad smiles on their faces. Westwick moving to right his glasses with one finger on the bridge of his nose after clasping hands with Jodi. Molly placing a companionable hand on the gentlemens shoulder.) *Molly speaking, not reading from any cards* "Oh, thank you all very much, we are all bubbling over with the news! I'll let Westy here speak our peace." *Westwick speaking, also seeming to wing it* "To everyone, thank you so much for being here with us. I truly do not know where to begin. Our break through is the work of so many people, so many minds, so many hopes and dreams over the years. We never imagined we would be the ones here, standing in front of the lights and cameras, giving this news. Our work is going to end many worries, doubts, and fears. The culmination of our research is going to change the lives of millions around the world. We (turning to Molly and placing a friendly arm around her shoulders, his smile widening, eyes crinkling at the edges) have, without the use of stem cells, successfully created, and tested, a universal synthetic blood." (the noise of applause from others on stage, the pop of flash bulbs, clicks of camera's, and clamour of questions from the audience take over. People on stage take time to pass congratulations around, glad hand a few folks in front row of audience, and generally celebrate with large smiles and hearty handshakes or hugs)

d... Tiffany Borders, American Red Cross, Client Relations Manager. (The flush of excitment has reddened her cheeks, and she is breathtakingly stunning as she steps to the podium, smiling. With a slight southern twang she begins). "Wow. Just wow. If these two are not canidates for the Nobel and a congregational medal, then I am a monkey's aunt. This is astounding, it means so much for our future. Made from, or to match, the O- type, or universal type, This amazing scientific creation is going to alter the face of medical treatment. It will be free of infection, free of disease, concerns of type specific antibodies gone, because it has never been inside another. Bright, sparkling and new for those in need. In the US alone, more than 100 million pints of blood are used in transfusions to individuals anually, the blood draught of 1999 will never again happen, shortage will not be a fear. Currently, the shelf life is 6 weeks maximum for whole blood, not so here, holding for up to 12 months. In conjuction with synthetic plasma, volume expanders, and oxygen therapeutics, the horizon looks very bright indeed. I'll be the first to cry out in exultant thanks to Molly and Westwick for bringing us 'OxyPure'!" (with that she begins another round of applause, letting out a cry of joyous excitment, wooohooo, which many of the crowd and a few on stage join in.)

2. Points of interest from media Q&A, a break is taken to set up microphones on the table for each person, commercials air for CtCC, American Red Cross, Mosaic Trust, and an evening drama for a local TV station, before resuming.

- Catherine Bailey, CFO, Mosaic Trust. "Yes, this product will start out as more expensive then donated blood, even with the shortage experienced across the globe. These scales will however tip the other direction as the process is refined."

- Roland McBreen, Representative, CT State Board of Health. "It was confirmed that no stem cell research was, or will be involved."

- Reporter "If stem cell was involved, you would have to work out of the country, what would that mean for future works?"     -- Johnathan Swift, VP, Mosaic Trust. "While it holds true that one embroyo, and it's stem cells, could produce the needed blood supply for the entirety of America for one month, we hold no stock in persuing this method. The goals will be accomplished with out it."

- Reporter "How did you leap ahead of biopure?"         -- Westwick Mercer starts to speak with a smile, when Molly jumps in, also grinning. "We just had it all click, like the puzzle it was, our advances surprised even us, knowing that BioPure lead the field. I would happily detail out the formula if we had that large of a wipe board, but we promised not to bring too many scientific details to the table tonight, as we have a lot of legal and finicial proceedings ahead of us."



Thank you..

by Kristina E Donihee

November 16th, 2009

I personally like to thank the efforts of everyone who made this years Northeast Event an enjoyable experience. I am looking forward to the upcomming year. Just a reminder there will be no second game in Novemeber. Next game will be December 11, 2009. Look forward to seeing you all there.



Announcment From the Prince

by witch hammer

November 12th, 2009

A notice to the Domain:

James Norton has taken his place on the Primogen Council as of the Fourth of November, 2009. A new Harpy will be named by the end of the Masquerade Ball Friday November 14.

In the meantime, Primogen are responsible for arranging for the needs of visiting clanmates.

Vivian Davenpor




by Kristina E Donihee

October 14th, 2009

IMPORTANT! - Kerrie left behind a fund raiser envelope at game, on the glass topped check-in counter. This contained payments from people for orders. Did anyone grab this? Does anyone know who has it? Please.



The Floor is Open...

by Jeremy

October 12th, 2009

Good Afternoon Everyone,

Please consider this a formal invitation to participate in open discussion. The means you have available at your disposal are as follows. [Please note, I am a herrendous (see?) speller, so, like, ignore that part please.] (Please note, I have a penchant for rambling, if some of this seems disjointed it is because I wished to get my thoughts out to you and start things up sooner rather than later.)

1. Right here, simply add a comment to this post.
2. coshartford@googlegroups.com - This is monitored by the whole staff, should you wish to reach our ears, and not have it in the open air.
3. coshbnst@gmail.com - This is my email address. I would be happy to have discussions one on one if you feel it is needed.
4. Journal posting - We see it, we read it, we want more of it.
5. Face to Face (not the band.) - We are approachable, in one form or another.

I will start the ball rolling with some thoughts and points of my own.

A. So this first one is not my own, I am repeating Kris, who stole from Lex. Please share with us 5 things about your character. Five things you think the staff should know about your toon. They can be simple and straight forward (one word adjectives that project concise and definitive meaning) or they can be a whole paragraph for you and for us. Please post these in either the Notes section of your character (prefered) or as a Journal Entry.

B. What is it that you like to see from game? What do you want when you play? What do you look forward to in the time between games? What draws you back? What is it you enjoy? These are just the surface questions of a whole iceberg. The more suggestions, feedback, input, etc. that you give us to work from, the better it is all going to be.

C. Faith & Trust in your staff. This is a hard thing to define. A hard thing to earn. An easy thing to procreate. We are not here to screw you over. We are here to help you have fun. We are not out to pull "stunts" for our own personal edification. We are here to create an involved, reactive, growing, progressive, in depth, and immersive experience for you in the WoD setting, and a LARP game. There are as many different views of what a game is, or should be, what genre represents and the involvement of WoD. Please, please, please, talk out any qualms, concerns, bitches, gripes, complaints and the like with us. If you feel more comfortable dealing with a particular ST, have the understanding that we communicate, and so express to them your desire for confidentiality if needed. There is always a resolution or solution, it's the steps you need to take to get there that reflect your desires or our methods.

D. Communication is key. QED. Keep the lines open, the momentum flowing.

E. What options do you feel are available in order to boost our attendance and visitor base? Are other chronicles willing to prop the game, and we return the favor? What incentives can be offered for those making the hike to visit us? I am of the following opinion. LARP's are like a classroom. The smaller, intimate settings, where personalized attention, and more dedicated time to you, is available, are spectacular. It opens so many doors. The large, buzzing room, full of excited tension is wonderful. Rife with possibilities. We can have both. I am going to be sitting down and talking to a handful of players about thier assistance in creating this. It takes not only OOC effort, but decision making IC to occur. Exploring how to achieve this will be the goal of the talks.

In closing, I want to thank everyone for coming out and playing, for joining us in some fun. We want to progress to a higher plateau.


Jer & the CoS/HbN Staff.