27783_558312475319_15805918_33096044_5117982_n Connor McCarthy has joined the chronicle!


Awarding XP

by Kat F

June 3rd, 2010

Hey guys,

XP has been handed out for May.  If you helped clean up site, please award yourself the 1xp for that.  I wasn't able to keep track of everyone who helped.  Other than that, you should all be all set.

If you travelled to KONY, it's 2xp, +1 if you had to spend more than an hour in travel time to get there.  Remember, you can only get 8xp a month.

Edit:  Thank you to Sartori, who reminded me that Lex awarded everyone who was at Boston 8xp.  So, you should all be maxed for the month....I went back and adjusted accordingly.  So, if you were at Boston, you have maxed out for the month.


- Kat


Phpa5rwdw_c1am Amber Lamb has joined the chronicle!


End of an Era

by Lex

May 24th, 2010

Well, all things considered I'm burned out. It was a great time and I enjoyed telling you guys your story very much. With that being said I'd like to thank you guys for giving me the chance to tell those stories. Unsurprisingly I'll be continueing to pc and look forward to continueing my gaming experience with you all.

Now that being said Kat F. will be taking over the Chronicle and has already been working so very hard for you guys. Be good to her as I know she will be to you. If you have any questions feel free to contact me. If you have any rules questions don't. That's Kat's realm now. Thank you for the good time. Hell, even the shitty ones.



Player again.



Addressing the Events of this past Cradle of Liberty

by Lex

May 23rd, 2010

Staff has reviewed the events of this past session of Cradle of Liberty over and over. There were a number of OOC hickups this place and I have no intention of going over them at this time. However the ruling that has been made is that the following events have been redlined despite our strong dislike for "redlines".


 The deaths of Chase Ashford, Aiden Malone and Jordan Sinclair and all immediate events surrounding them have been officially redlined.


There will be more on the matter announced however anyone affected by this may feel free to contact staff with any questions or concerns that they might have. Thank you for your time.


Demon chicken Rob S has joined the chronicle!


Sept of the Hidden Flame Beltane Event

by Kat F

May 16th, 2010

Hey All,

Jason, the HST of Hidden Flame has asked for me to let people know that the Beltane event for his chronicle is coming up.  It's the last weekend in May (28th-31st), and will be taking place in Rhode Island.  Those of you who play Hartford, a group of them came up to visit a few months ago. 

If you're interested, he requests that folks contact him at nebeltaine@hiddenflame.net

They have a website up (http://hiddenflame.net/event/beltane.htm) which has all of the information for the event, including address, date, lodging, price, and schedule of events.  Jason has said if people don't know Werewolf, but want to try it out, he is willing to help make sheets.

- Kat


S Saint Joe has joined the chronicle!



by Kat F

May 14th, 2010

As per Ross' request, and a bylaw he got past Council, Kuei-Jin PCs are now playable.  Given that Boston has a Kuei-Jin population, yes, that means that you can in fact play one.  If people are interested, contact the staff, we can put you in touch with Ross.  We are going to be regulating how many we're going to allow in game, as it is a Sabbat game, not a KOE game.  


Fallguy Robert SH has joined the chronicle!