
Dark Colony Influence

by Lex

February 23rd, 2011

All Watch Actions have been resolved. If you didn't get anything PM me.

All actions save for Media succeed.



Beltane 2011

by witch hammer

February 17th, 2011

So while the NE event will be our Big event (hopefully we get the Conclave) in November. The Garou games of the Northeast are still going to me hosting their event in May.  I have offered my services to help run something (be it Sabbat or Cam) at the event for them.

My question is, how many of you would go and what would you like run?  Sabbat or Cam?




here is the info:


Hey guys,

A more formal announcement will be coming soon.  We apologize for the late confirmation, but Beltane 2011 is on!  It will be held in Orange, CT.

We've found a new site that is much superior to the flop that was last year's site (which was great until every other person in the New England area decided to camp there too).  This time around we have cabins with electricity (and mattresses) including a handicap accessible cabin, parking for 75 cars, a dining hall, indoor showers, a stone amphitheater, and a few other cool things.  And most importantly, we've got the entire site to ourselves, so we don't have to worry about the crowds that showed up last year.

Also, this year we are pairing up to hold a vampire event alongside the Garou one.  Our kind and generous (*cough*) Sabbat coord, Adam, will be running Vampire plot there.

Again, it will be Memorial Day weekend (May 27-30), so that's just over 3 months from now.  The fee will likely be $40 with pre-reg, $50 at the door.  We may tack on like another $5 for dinner on Saturday, that is still to be determined.  Keep in mind though, this includes lodging, so unless you really want a hotel room, you won't have to absorb that cost along with your event fee.

The more formal announcement will be coming soon, but let us know if you have any questions.

Hidden Flame HST


Ne08 Ashley Zdeb has left the chronicle.


Fallen Lore

by witch hammer

February 1st, 2011

So our awesome Demon Coord (he really is) passed a new packet for being all infernal and stuff.  After speaking to him and how his packet works, I am requesting all PCs with Fallen Lore higher then one either respend that xp or move it over into Demon Lore.  That is to say no PC may have a Fallen Lore rating higher then 1.





This season on Dark Colony: Hartford

by witch hammer

January 31st, 2011

This pretty much sums it up.  Where will you stand?  :-)



Influence actions For Jan to Feb game 2011

by Lex

January 29th, 2011

In the event players didn't know I'll be taking care of influences. Same due date etc. It'll just be me responding. All Watch actions players will get one week before game once all actions have been recorded.



Game Friday

by witch hammer

January 25th, 2011

Just a friendly reminder because it has been a while, game is this friday :-)



From Bree

by Lex

January 24th, 2011

[The following information will be sent via email, text, or phonecall
to Anarchs and Anarch supporters in Hartford, both PC and NPC.]

I'd like to get everyone together this week for some information about
Hartford's politics.  It's important, but if you can't make it, don't
sweat it; get the information from someone who did.  It'll be at the
Toolbox in West Hartford after nightfall.  This is my place.  Don't
break what I have to fix, or start a fight that I have to finish.

In short: my house, Thursday, we'll have pizza.


-Ashton Bush



Spread the word

by witch hammer

January 20th, 2011

From Sarah our lovely admin, huge thanks to her for helping us with this!


Ladies and Gents,

Dark Colony: Hartford is looking to host our (usually) annual event November 11 and 12, 2011. We're in the midst of getting the hotel set up, and we need to get a more accurate read on attendance. Hartford is putting in a bid for Conclave, which ends Feb 12. We need to get 25 guest rooms filled for the weekend to lock in our price.

How many of you would travel to Connecticut for an event game this November, even if it's not a Conclave?

Take the poll at:

player of Victoria Rowlands
OOC Administrator for Dark Colony Hartford



So Long and Thanks for all the Fish!

by Zaluus

January 14th, 2011

I wish to say thank you to all of Darl Colony's Staff and Players. I am stepping off of staff and taking a break from LARP in general. I currently have no desire to play in any LARPs. Again thank you to all staff and players.

