Prepare_for_trouble Jay Hadinoto has joined the chronicle!


We are not Underground Theater

by Nightmares

January 24th, 2014

To clear any confusion:

We were working with Underground Theater (a start-up network experiment similar in many ways to MES or Cam Club) since before our game was officially announced.

We are NOT a UT game. We are a troupe game. We parted ways with UT when we realized there were too many differences between what they wanted and what we wanted.

There are no hard feelings on either side and that may be an option to explore in the future.


For now, you only have the Nightmare, and your fellow PCs with whom to contend.

1 comment


Sunday, February 9th - City Steam - Launch Party (Updated)

by Nightmares

January 24th, 2014

Please RSVP via commenting so we can reserve.


4-7 (City Steam opens on 4 PM Sundays)

We will likely wait until 4:30 to order food to give people time to arrive.


Menu, Location, and information  found here:


Missing Carlone has joined the chronicle!

Steamavi4 Viridian has left the chronicle.

Steamavi4 Viridian has joined the chronicle!


Launch Party & Preview Event

by Nightmares

January 14th, 2014

Launch Party

The Launch Party will be an event for Player meet-up, character creation, character connections, door prizes, and a Q&A with the staff.

We would like to do this event at a location of food and open atmosphere. Since no actual "game" will be done at this event, we don't have to hide in a basement.

We are open to suggestions for locations but ask that you keep it as centrally located as possible.

My first thought was one of the upper levels of City Steam or the Loft at Vaughns. (Both located in Hartford)

XP: Yes


Preview Event

This event will be a Free Preview Event. The event will be held February 15th. The exact location is forthcoming but we need a highly controllable space.

This event will consist of three modules each designed to run within a 1-2 hour timespan. All modules have been crafted to do three things:

1. Provide History for the Game

2. Answer a Question about the Game

3. Provide a Learning Oppotunity for the MET:VTM system


Preview Event FAQs

Q: Can I play my PC?
A: If your PC was a Vampire during the time in question, and as long as you're willing to modify your background to say you were in the location at the time: Yes, we encourage it.

Q: What if my PC wasn't alive/embraced yet?
A: Play your own sire
A: Play someone else's sire (with their permission)
A: Play a stock PC on hand that may later run across your PC and share stories
A: Play another 1 shot PC to practice character creation that may later run across your PC and share stories
A: NPC for the staff

Q: What if I play my Main PC and they die during the preview event?
A: Unless you engage in PVP within a structured 2 hour module and aren't immediately- you know what? No, that won't happen. Don't worry about it.

Q: What if my one shot or stock PC dies?
A: Then they become dust in the wind. In truth, it adds flavor and drama. Bonus points if you die without *trying* to die. Dust. Wind. Dude.

Q: What if they don't die and I like them? Can I play them instead of my main or shelf them for later?
A: This will be discussed with Staff on an individual basis. (See next for the obvious 'why')

Q: Are the style sheets/rarities different for these modules?
A: Yes - Modules 1 & 2 all rarity merits are reduced by 2 points but the character must still be Cam. Module 3 will mimic the style sheet of the game exactly with the exception of the Gangrel modification


In the interest of not-super-long posts, the three module descriptions will be posted in comments. Please hold questions until all 3 are published. Thanks.


Jenniferprofile Jennifer Lemanski has joined the chronicle!

Avahur 2 Jeff Coleman has joined the chronicle!

Ash_quinn Josh T. has joined the chronicle!