
Nightmares This Saturday! (3.15.14)

by Nightmares

March 11th, 2014

With only 4 days remaining, the STs are stoked about Nightmares. We have a release schedule this week:

Wednesday - A special plot announcement

Thursday - A reminder document about our Site

Friday - The First IC news reports for Saturdays game!

Saturday - The game website will go live


All of our documents from Puppet will be available in printed form at game.

Any last minute IC or OOC FAQs can be asked here or in your journal. If you ask them prior to Saturday morning I can assure a response before game. After that, the STs will be available at game for your needs and wants.


1383092_10151721151063946_182233096_n Nick has joined the chronicle!


Steve_005 Jim Williams has joined the chronicle!


Preview Event Thanks!

by Nightmares

February 19th, 2014

Thanks to all who attended the Preview Event. You not only helped us develop the game History and choose the setting, but you helped each other learn some cool new parts of the system.

We are putting together the information into the History document and the Chronicle Style Sheet presently and will be posting here soon to release them


For those who attended the Preview Event:

As part of developing our History, you will be allowed to choose one Fleeting Status to start game based on your actions in the event. If you PC'd, we ask that you choose the status from a module that you played your PC. If you NPC'd all three, you may choose any one and write a short blurb in your journal stating where you got it.You may choose from:

Module 1: Praised
Module 2: Courageous
Module 3: Gallant

For those who missed the event due to snow or other reasons:

We are offering a one time chance for FULL XP from the event. You simply need to donate the $5 site fee from the missed event, and you'll recieve full XP. It is our intention in the future to offer "back buying" (with certain conditions) for half XP, but this will be a rare chance to do so and get the full event XP.

You may also choose to place an additional Boon in the Boon box to recieve the Fleeting Status Gallant  for start of game. To do this, make a journal entry named "Gallant" and write a short description of what your PC did in their history to get the status and we'll add the Boon for you. This part of the offer expires on March 14th

THANK YOU AGAIN to those who braved the elements and all the praise you've given on Puppet for the event. We're looking forward to running our first official game on March 15th!




Auroravance2020 Sarah has left the chronicle.

Apollyon2 Dave N has left the chronicle.

Coyote resized Gabriel Villeneuve has joined the chronicle!


What are you playing?

by Nightmares

February 13th, 2014

If you're coming to the Preview Event (and I hope you are!) you have three modules in three different time period. We would like to get a gauge on your intentions.

If you are playing your PC for all 3 mods, please comment with "ALL 3 PC" (CAPS optional)

If you are NPCing all 3, likewise respond with "NPC ALL 3"

If you are mixing up, please tell us by number your intention. (e.g. 1=NPC, 2=APC, 3=PC)
APC in this example stands for "Alternate PC"

You are in no way locked in to this choice. You can change your mind up until the Module begins. We're just looking for a rough count for each Mod for logistical reasons.



Preview Event - February 15th, 2014 - OOC Info

by Nightmares

February 12th, 2014

When you arrive at First Con in Southington please park in the large municipal parking lot, not the church parking lot.The lot is on the same side of the street as the church just before it. If you take a left at the light where Subway is on the corner, the access to the lot is immediately on your right, with the Church just beyond it.

Please do not attempt to enter the site prior to 7:30 PM

Memorial Hall is accessed on the ground level through a front facing door of the church building We will have a sign with our group name.

We are using the name "Minds Eye Theater Group" with the Church so the sign will say stuff. (We thought a sign that said "Nightmares this way", while cool, was just inviting the wrong people to join us :P

Costuming: We don't expect anyone to run out and buy pre-Victorian or Colonial attire for an hour long module. Our advice is to keep it simple. Blacks and whites, simple shoes, and if you have actual costuming, feel free to bring it for module 3! :)

Smoking: We're going to ask that you please smoke in the municipal parking lot near your car. We don't have a ton of smokers, but we've been asked not to smoke in or near the building. There are, I believe, recepticles in the lot.

Boon Contracts: You will be allowed to pull boon contracts at the preview event, but we will keep the card until March. Also, since the Preview Modules are serving as a way to establish which NPCs live will continue into the actual setting and which won't, the boon box may contain less NPCs (and PCs if they missed the launch party) when you draw. If you so wish, you may delay your draw until March (recommended)

Finally, if you need to talk to staff prior to the event, we will most likely be found in Subway at around 6:30/7 PM grabbing food. Feel free to join us.