
New England Nightmares running on Saturday 20th April!

by Nightmares

April 9th, 2019

Upcoming April Game

Nightmares will be running on Saturday the 20th of this month, we look forward to seeing you all there. This is just a quick reminder that your downtime actions need to be in by this Sunday (the 14th), to give us a chance to process them before game!


Hope everyone is having a great month!


Missing Katie has joined the chronicle!

Missing Mike Witter has joined the chronicle!


Post Game Announcements

by Nightmares

March 17th, 2019

Post Game Announcements

Thank you to everyone for joining us for a very and pretty fast paced game last night. I hope you had as much fun playing the game as we did running it!


Voices of the Towers

Could all of those of you who were granted the ‘Voice of the Tower’ status please create a journal entry entitled ‘Sabbat Negotiations’ and put ‘Awaiting contact from my Justicar’ in the main text.

The Price of Peace - Aftermath

Tensions were high within the domain as those chosen to be The Voices of the Tower prepared to meet with The Voice of the Sword, Cornelius of Clan Tzimisce. With the armies of the Camarilla suffering devastating defeats just before the ceasefire, there was a great deal of trepidation and curiosity about this new rising star in the Sabbat. How had he re-unified and rallied the weakened Sabbat to defeat the overwhelming numbers at the Imperator’s command? Did he come with genuine intent to end the hostilities, or was this some kind of trap?


When the Sabbat delegation arrived, Cornelius was flanked by two Kindred, both of whom

were immediately recognized. The Gangrel warrior Studvig, Ductus of the Irregulars and long term enemy of the Domain of New Haven. And on his other side, stood the former High Myrmidon, Joran Marcovi, now declared to be the new General of the Sabbat armies. Marcovi, the tactical genius behind the Imperator’s every victory, had betrayed the Camarilla. The reason for Karsh’s defeat became obvious.


The three Sabbat first engaged in a blasphemous (but mercifully brief) ceremony to Caine. After which Marcovi briefly confronted Sheriff Ken Shikusa, revealing himself to be the Sire of both Ken and Studvig. He derided Ken by saying that ‘Studvig saved me, after you failed me.’ All members of Clan Gangrel present could barely contain their fury at Marcovi, but they did not come to blows.


After Marcovi and Studvig presented a rough overview of the tactical state of the war, they departed, easing the hostility in the room a little. An unknown Tremere came to join Cornelius to aid the negotiations. (OOC note: If you remember the name of this Tremere, your character now finds themselves forgetting it. He fades from your memory and becomes indistinct)


Also kind of creature made of shadow, seemingly a ‘pet’ of Cornelius’ began to flitter about the room until the Tremere Primogen made it vanish into nothingness with snap of his fingers.


During the negotiations the Sabbat laid their numerous demands, some reasonable but many of them not, on the table. The Voices of Clan Tremere, Toreador and Brujah simply listened, likely intending to add their own caveats at a later date. Clan Nosferatu wasted no time in demanding compensation for the violation of the Warrens. Very notably missing from the table was Clan Ventrue, Justicar Lucinde has still not been heard from.


Whereas Clan Malkavian, who it cannot be argued have suffered the most in this war, showed their contempt for the proceedings. Represented by Vinny ‘the Cock’ Lombardi, who sat at the table openly wielding a loaded AK-47, he made absurd demands of the Sabbat, such as ‘get rid of the sun’ and ‘provide me with an unkillable duck’.


With the process of negotiation begun, the Court relocated back the city, to the nightclub Pulse. Entering the building, a sniper attempted to shoot Prince Jennings, but the bullet was intercepted by Bill Bradshaw, having been given a few seconds of warning by his Malkavian precognition. Rapid investigation of the shooter, who fled the scene, revealed that he was a werewolf. Why the Garou have taken issue with Prince Jennings is not clear.


Towards the end of the night, some kind of invisible wave of energy passed over the city, with many Kindred in the court, including the Prince, briefly collapsing and experiencing a range of reactions to the mysterious phenomenon.


A dramatic evening for the domain. A moment in history for the Camarilla.



Game is on tonight!

by Nightmares

March 16th, 2019

New England Nightmares presents...

The Price of Peace

We are at the Lodge. Site will be open at 6pm and we will be aiming to start game at 7pm.

Neutral Territory

In game, the first part of the evening will take place at an old abandoned Church in Ansonia, a location neutral to both Sabbat and Camarilla. The Sabbat delegation and it’s escort will meet with the Camarilla delegation, and both sides will bring their initial demands and conditions to the table. But no new accords will be written tonight, the delegates will take the demands of the opposition back to their leaders and each side will have to see which compromises they are prepared to make and which they will reject. It could be several months before two polarized factions such as these find middle ground.


Once the opening negotiations are complete, the Court will relocate back to New Haven, and will be meeting a familiar venue. The nightclub Pulse has been home to many New Haven gatherings before, when it belonged to the former Sheriff Michael Bailey. Now under the ownership of the Harpy, Nyles Rothschild and his new child, he invites the Kindred of New Haven to relax in the renovated top floor to discuss the negotiations and deal with the business of the domain.


While neither of these Venues is an Elysium, all attending Kindred are expected to maintain their decorum and manners as always.



An announcement from your Prince!

by Nightmares

March 15th, 2019

To the Kindred of New Haven,

We are in exciting times! We prepare to negotiate with our long time rivals, searching signs that there can be a peace between us.. Though we may not see eye to eye on our philosophy, both sects are breaking new ground that can bring change to the Ivory Tower and the Sabbat for years to come.

As always, we should stand strong. But we must be open to new ideas at the negotiating table, so that we can create new Accords with Cornelius and the leadership he represents. This is not going to be easy! But I firmly believe that we will prosper in the end.

To those who are going to be at that negotiating table...

I want to openly congratulate all who are chosen. This domain backs your words, and supports you all in whatever way possible.



The New Haven domain is at the center of the world again. We need to show the rest of the Camarillan world why we prosper throughout all of the problems we have suffered!

Delegates! We applaud your courage, have pride for the Ivory Tower. You will be creating history and will be remembered throughout time.

I want to ask all those who are not at the table to show the utmost respect. Understand the consequences that follow if you put New Haven in a bad light, in any way! I will not be lenient...

But I digress...

Be prepared for what is to come, and walk with the night, in this historic time!

Preston J. Jennings
Prince of New Haven



New Status trait for upcoming game.

by Nightmares

March 12th, 2019

For the purposes of the negotiations with the Sabbat, all delegates who receive a writ of Authority from the Justicariate are awarded this rare Camarilla status for as long as the process of Negotiation lasts. This title is normally only awarded to revered Elders, but since the terms laid out by Cornelius are somewhat different, you may see this status appearing on individuals that might surprise you.


Voice of the Tower (Abiding)

You have been chosen to speak on behalf of your Clan, representing all those of your blood who are part of the Camarilla. While possessing this status, you are the only member of your Clan whose voice can be heard at the negotiating table. All others must remain silent, or face harsh penalties.


Passive Effect: While at the negotiating table, if anyone who does not also possesses Voice of the Tower interrupts you, or speaks over you, they automatically gain the Negative trait Vulgar and must immediately be completely silent until the negotiations are ended to lose this status. If they speak again, in any capacity, they receive the Negative status trait Warned and must leave the building where the negotiations are taking place. Only the Voice of the Tower who they interrupted can choose to remove this Warned status, no other Authority can do so.


Expended Effect: You can expend Voice of the Tower to have any member of the Camarilla who are present during the negotiations perform a favor for you. This favor is held over them in the same way as a boon and is considered to have the same level of gravitas as a Blood Boon.



New England Nightmares is running on Sat 16th of this month!

by Nightmares

March 10th, 2019

New England Nightmares presents...

The Price of Peace

Nightmares will be running on Saturday the 16th of March and we will be at the Lodge. Site will be open at 6pm and we will be aiming to start game at 7pm.

Voices of Reason

The Camarilla is finally able to reach a consensus, and the Justicariate have retaken their authority. Accepting Cornelius’ offer to negotiate, they will choose their representatives from the Kindred of New Haven. The Venue will be in Ansonia, just outside the borders of the Domain, at an old disused Church. By Justicarial dictate, all officers of the New Haven Court, especially the office of the Sheriff and Scourge, are to attend the meet of the two sects, in order to make an appropriate ‘show of force’. The negotiators will be contacted privately by their Justicars and given an official writ to speak on behalf of their clan. To ensure no external interference from forces who do not wish to see this ceasefire, those chosen are not to reveal themselves until the domain is assembled at the Church.


Meanwhile the Imperator is still rumored to be recovering in New Fairfield, surrounded by his Myrmidons and his weakened army. The rumors say that he is still plotting to bring about a change in the Ivory Towers hierarchy, and he still has a lot of popularity within the sect, those who would rather trust their warlord than the treacherous Sabbat, no matter the cost. But whispered reports say his army is plagued by a strange madness, and paranoia and mistrust run rampant as unit cohesion crumbles. But does Karsh have other contingencies to call on?


The city of New Haven bears the weight of the kindred world on its shoulders once again….

Downtime Actions

Please get these in to us as soon as you can. In order to give us enough time to get proper responses out, the DTA deadline is tonight. (Sunday 10th March)



Arson attacks in the Hill district on the rise!

by Nightmares

March 8th, 2019

Arsonists Terrorize Hill District!

Over the past few weeks, 11 fires have been started in various shops, warehouses and apartment buildings in the District of Hill. New Haven police have now confirmed that the evidence points to deliberate acts of Arson. No arrests have been made as of yet, but the suspects are believed to be between 16 and 20 years of age.


No deaths have occurred as a result of these fires, but the NHPD believe that is more down to luck than any attempt by the culprits to avoid harming people.



News Article: People of Britain, do not fear the future!

by Nightmares

March 3rd, 2019

Deal or No Deal, Brexit presses on!

(Published in the British Tabloid known as ‘The Daily Express’, and uploaded to their website.)

While Parliament rebels against Prime Minister Theresa May, refusing to offer her any support in her negotiations with the European Parliament, their hypocrisy also shines through when they refuse to support a vote of no-confidence to remove her from power. Quite simply, every Minister in the House of Commons knows that no leader, no matter how capable, can triumph in the march towards UK independence from the EU. So while they boo and jeer Theresa May’s move, they force her to remain in her position, perfectly happy for her to be the scapegoat for all their own failings. But Prime Minister May sticks to her guns, knowing that history, ultimately, will prove her right!


To me, her solidarity, her refusal to abandon her post when the British people need, is a shining example of the kind of strong British citizen that we need for our shining future. On the 29th of March, Brexit will happen. Deal or no Deal, we must be ready!


But in the last few months, a phenomenon that has been called ‘Brexit Fever’ has swept over the entire country. And it seems to take one of two forms. Those who object to Brexit, and think we should go crawling back to Europe, so that our centuries-old enemies can dictate to us again, and undermine our sovereignty. These people are extremely vocal from their armchairs, as they complain about how Brexit will destroy this country, tweeting, hashtagging and uploading their videos to YouTube. But since ‘Brexit Fever’ they have become quieter, resigned to the inevitable, in some unconscious way, I think they are finally submitting to the will of the people.


And then those of us who believe that this nation can and will return to the true glory of our noble past. We once ruled the world, our empire stretched from sea to shining sea, and now we have been brow beaten down by the incessant demands of the EU. We all feel a fire in our hearts like we never have before, a powerful presence that binds us together, unifies us and drives us to not only survive the coming Brexit, but to thrive because of it! For the believers and the EU leavers, Brexit Fever is our call to action!


To all those who are reading this. If you are a citizen of the UK, I ask you to close your eyes and listen to your inner voice. Forget all the bollocks that the newspapers and scaremongers are throwing at you, and reach inside yourself. You will find that same fire that we have, that feeling of reassurance that everything will be ok! That Britain is stronger alone! That we all have each other’s backs, and we will build this country up to be the world leader it once was!


What is this ‘Brexit Fever’ you might ask? All I can say is, I don’t know. Perhaps it is some patron Deity of the UK, reaching out to us all and igniting the flames of national pride! Perhaps it is just a spirit of British patriotism, infectious and exciting, that comes from the very land itself! But truly, my answer is, I don’t care what it is! All I know, is that I love it! As much as I love my family! And as much as I love my country!


Come on people of the UK! Catch the Brexit fever and unite with us!


Jonathan Cainer, Journalist and Proud Citizen of the United Kingdom!