Wicked-divin-tara-tula-lotay-600 Blackfyre has left the chronicle.


The Abbess and the Snake - Prophet's Nightmare

by Bex

August 20th, 2019


We have them! The ones from Miami! We are certain this time. The signature matches the massacre in Miami and the attack on our operatives in Atlanta.  This time they have made an even bigger mess with an even greater loss of human life.  These monsters will pay.

I’ve heard it said that when your quarry goes to ground, leave no ground to go to.  We have a team following predictive algorithms to likely ports of harbor for this brood of vipers. They will find no solace and no where to run but into our ambush.

May God’s will be done!  We will send them all to Hell.


 Prophet screams in his sleep, coming awake with sudden alarm. His hand goes to his belt and fumbles for a weapon he doesn’t find.  He slides out of his bunk and screams again at what he sees: bodies and piles of ash: Gregor, Rashida, Gwen, Talia and Simone cut down in a blaze of blood and fire, whirling blades, flying flame. 

Prophet is never one for much emotion outside his times of Vision, but a long-forgotten feeling begins to press on his shoulders and chest – GUILT.  He struggles with it and feels a stirring of Frenzy. His Beast breaks forth and he rides the wave of horror, fury, fear and hunger to the bunks of his Packmates.  He drains them one by one, slowly coming down from his Frenzy and justifying himself as he consumes soul after soul: he is protecting them all, holding them inside himself, keeping them safe.  All their voices break out inside his mind.  They are awash in the ocean of the Madness Network!  Washed away!  Torn apart!  And never safe again – and it’s his fault. 

He falls further, consumed by self-hatred and guilt.  He falls into darkness.  His Beast comes again to the fore, but there is no rational mind to resist anymore.  Prophet succumbs to the Final Frenzy: Malkavian in Wassail.


Prophet wakes as Samuel Rhodes, the little boy with a cold lump of fear in his belly. He checks the time and raises the blackout in time to see the last glow of the sun descend behind the Chicago skyline. He wraps his arms around his legs and whispers self-comforting mantras to himself until he is Prophet once more.


Missing Jestical has joined the chronicle!


The Fall of Montreal and the Rise of the Hand - Prophet's Vision

by Bex

June 20th, 2019

"Yes, Regent. I am on my way." Sascha responded the only way they could. With obedience, despite their enjoyment of New York. They were summoned to Mexico City to convene the Consistory and to address the new threat, seeming invisible in the face of war. Montreal, once a shining beacon, a stronghold of the Sabbat, was in chaos.

Sascha spoke quietly to a black clad figure at their elbow, "Contact your Lady and tell her that her childe's pack must be accelerated along her chosen course for them. This is no matter for a rag tag pack that always seems to be in the right place at the right time. They will come through the fire and emerge refined. They must be brought into line before they reach Mexico City."

"Yes, your Grace," The young Cainite bowed briefly and was on his way.



Housekeeping in Atlanta - Taking Out the Trash

by Bex

May 8th, 2019

While Candace is recovering from her illness, the Thaumaturges and their Dark Master are still at large. You killed one, but at least two still remain. You don't know how many there may be. Before you leave Atlanta, you must find and destroy them - for Candace's sake.

But while you are hunting them, are they hunting you? Are they seeking vengeance for their fallen packmate?



The Usurper and the Hunter - Prophet's Visions

by Bex

May 1st, 2019

Constantin smiled when his Szlachta returned with news of the last pack's demise. "All stake for sun!" the happy monster declared. The Master rewarded his slave with a taste of his blood.

"There is no one to stop us now except..."

"What about the Cardinals, your Excellency?" Ricardo asked.

"When they learn who I am, they, too will fall in line," Constantin said, "In the meantime, I need to call my pocket Priscus." He laughed viciously.


Kate Langdon called in to her team, "All I see here is a total blood bath. Send in a cleaning crew. I want tissue samples, blood samples, fabric samples, hell, sample everything. I need to try to reconstruct what happened here. And when I'm done, I Hunt."


Wicked-divin-tara-tula-lotay-600 Blackfyre has joined the chronicle!

Missing Jeremy Lee has joined the chronicle!

Missing Jesse Lilly has joined the chronicle!

Missing HeatherW has joined the chronicle!